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Pregnancy Planning Appointment

Dr Lucinda Green - Consultant Perinatal Psychiatrist


Your pregnancy planning appointment can be for 60 - 90 minutes depending on the complexity of your mental health problems. It will include a review of your previous mental health problems and treatment. I will ask you about past experiences which may potentially affect your relationship with your baby, how you think of yourself as a mother or how you might cope with pregnancy and parenting. You will have the opportunity to discuss the following:


·       Information and advice about how pregnancy can affect your mental health

·       Information about potential mental health problems you may experience after birth and how to prevent these

·       Information about the risks and benefits of medication in pregnancy and breastfeeding

·       Whether to make any changes to your treatment before you get pregnant (including medication and talking          therapies)

·       The help and support you will need during pregnancy and in the first few months after your baby is born

·       How to make sure you are as well as possible before you get pregnant


This is usually a one-off appointment but you can book further appointments if needed.

To book an appointment:        020 3303 0453 

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